2022 Aviso Broking Awards Announcement


At Aviso Broking we maintain a recognition culture acknowledging the work & commitment of all of our employees. We believe by celebrating their achievements, relationships will be strengthened creating a long-term culture of appreciation.

Recently we held the Aviso Broking 2022 Awards End of Year Event. The entire company was in attendance virtually. It was a great way to close out the year, reflect on what 2022 was, share some laughs with our colleagues and management.

Aviso Broking’s Leadership Team were delighted to announce the winners and share these announcements with you below. 


Brianna’s positivity, patience and helpful nature throughout the year didn’t go unnoticed. She is a valuable team player and Aviso Broking are thankful to her for always supporting others. She is an integral part of CST and an asset to the team and business and truly deserves this award.

Congratulations to Bri!



Helen receives this award for the huge impact her contributions made during the company consolidation. She stepped up without hesitation, and has continued to do so with our Head of Claims going on parental leave. Her continued positive and ‘can do’ attitude was a pleasing influence on others. Having received positive feedback from several brokers, she not only is held in high stead in the insurance industry, but is also loved by all at Aviso Broking.



Jodie received this award for her contribution to the successful consolidation of the payroll and support applications throughout the business amalgamation. This major implementation of the payroll system, implementation of Employment Hero and the development of the Employee Handbook with other policies was managed seamlessly.  Separate to this project management, Jodie continued to hold client portfolios.  

Congratulations and many thanks to Jodie.



Katie remained a constant, patriotic voice of positivity and calm despite the many challenges throughout the business transition and consolidation. She selflessly took on extra roles which included training a new internal account manager and managed two portfolios, all whilst maintaining a strong client focus. Katie is a tireless worker, even when she was laid up with a broken foot. We are extremely thankful and grateful for Katie.


NSW AWARD – Renae Park  

Renae has achieved this award for being a leader in communication and engagement within Aviso Broking. She always displays a very positive attitude within the company and with our clients. Renae is an all-round good person, great to be around and manages to drive a positive culture within the Company.


AR TEAM OF THE YEAR – Michael Balfe, Balfe Insurance Brokers

Michael & team from Balfe Insurance Brokers, have been acknowledged with this award for their growth and excellence in working with their clients and suppliers. They are always keen to support and promote the Aviso Select brand & business and are well regarded within the industry. 



Congratulations to the Sunshine Coast team. Without any fuss they remained engaged and contributed in all meetings and forums throughout the change to Aviso Broking. We thank each of the Sunny Coast employees for their continued support.



Christian efforts are being rewarded for his dedication and loyalty since joining the Sydney team.  He is always willing to assist and will go above and beyond to get results. Customer & Insurers feedback has been consistently exceptional. He is well liked by his peers. Keep up the good work Christian!



Shane was instrumental in helping the team navigate through the many changes and uncertainty of the amalgamation of the business. He helped shape some of the changes made during the transitional process. He goes above and beyond in his efforts and is held in extreme high regard as a leader in the team. Congratulations Shane.


Aviso Broking congratulates all recipients of these Awards. We are grateful and proud of all our teams collectively for the goals achieved during implementation and growth since becoming Aviso Broking. The Executive & Leadership Team at Aviso Broking look forward to the year ahead working with you all.


At Aviso Broking, we save you time and give you peace of mind by helping you find the right insurance solution to suit your needs. Our team of specialists is here to do the hard yards and help you choose the right insurance solution to suit you, your business and your budget. We know that no two businesses are alike and we can help you to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s all about getting to know you, understanding the risks you can afford to carry, and protecting you against those you can’t.

Feel free to drop into one of our offices, email insurance@avisobroking.com.au or give us a call 1300 908 404.

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