5 Ways to Protect Your Small Business Online

Business looking for ways to avoid cyber attacks and stay safe online.

Keeping safe online

A lack of cybersecurity  measures in your small business can have a seriously damaging impact on you, your business, staff and your customers, so it’s vital you keep up to date with how to  keep your business safe online . Here are 5 of ways you can get started.

1. Keep your software up-to-date

Like many businesses, you likely use various software programs and operating systems. Often these programs require security updates, so it’s important to make sure you and every member of your staff are updating your software as required. Often these updates are developed as a response to new threats or growing vulnerabilities, so this is one of your best, and easiest forms of defence against a cyber-attack or theft.

2. Have a secure hosting service

If you have an online shop or platform where your customers can purchase or pay for your services online, it’s crucial to ensure your website provider is PCI-compliant. This means the entire online checkout process is protected, and payment of personal information can’t be stolen.

Bonus tip: As many consumers these days are becoming increasingly tech-savvy, many will look to purchase from https websites vs http.

3. Set up firewalls

A firewall is a network security mechanism that will monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic on your internal network. Make sure your firewall is installed on not just your servers, but also any computers, laptops and mobile devices that are used by your business and employees. Also, it’s crucial you install antivirus and anti-spyware software. And again, make sure they are always kept up to date.

4. Have strong passwords and update them regularly 

Hopefully, this one is pretty obvious, but your business network should always be kept private and password protected. Avoid handing your passwords out and never write them down. Always choose strong passwords that include a mixture of lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, and characters.

5. Educate your employees on email scams

Email is one of the most commonly used methods of communication in business and between employees. This unfortunately, makes it one of the most common sources of infections and viruses on computers. This is often done through a form of hacking named ‘phishing spam’. Essentially what happens is cybercriminals include harmful attachments in seemingly harmless emails they send out to the masses. As soon as you open the email you have created a pathway for ransomware to access your computer. 

It’s important to educate your employees on the kind of emails they should and shouldn’t be opening. The more you see these harmful emails in your inbox, the more you learn to immediately recognise them but for the untrained eye, it can sometimes be difficult. Below are some of the main ways to avoid phishing spam:

  • Employees should not subscribe to mailing lists using their business email address
  • Do not open any links or attachments unless you’re expecting them
  • Do not open emails from unrecognised addresses stating they have noticed suspicious activity
  • Do not click on links for free products


And when in doubt, just don’t open it. If it appears to come from a recognised institution such as a bank or service provider, you can always contact them directly to ensure the authenticity of the email.

When it comes to protecting your business, our brokers are here to help. To learn more about our services, get in touch with us today!

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